Version 26 (modified by 14 years ago) (diff) | ,
e-BioGrid project for biobanking started
We have proudly joined the e-BioGrid project on a mission to bring nation-wide IT infrastructure for large scale biobanking. First goal is building a model infrastructure for the Dutch Biobank community, BBMRI-NL, that manage ...
Proposed Quality Control.
- Duplicate input checking.
- Quality scores histogram from the BGI.
- Maybe other graphs/data provided by the BGI.
- Quality scores with the FastqC toolkit.
- GC content.
- Quality scores per base.
- Quality scores per ...
Hackathon on pipelines, grid and QC
Yesterday we had a succesfull joint hackathon in Haren accross BBMRI-NL bioinformatics and NBIC biobank and next generation sequencing task forces. Representatives were there from UMCG, AMC, LUMC and NBIC as well as guests of the local genomics coord ...
First raw reads in; Freerk and Morris go to Boston to get GATK running
The first two trio data has been downloaded from BGI. Meanwhile BGI is running the basic analysis, i.e., variant calling on the whole batch. Freerk and Morris went to Boston to learn how to do the same procedure but then using GATK. Hopefully by end ...
Welcome to the BBMRI/GvNL Wiki
This is the wiki for the BBMRI-NL bioinformatics and GvNL analysis working groups.
- See MeetingMinutes - minutes of our Skype meetings
- See ProjectOverview - description of the bioinformatics regenboog
- See DataAnalysisPlan - description of the GvNL analysis objectives
- See WorkPlan - description of the current planning
- See ReadingMaterials - for recommended powerpoints and papers
- Projects and pipelines:
- SchematicOverview - overview on how the pipelines work together
- SnpCallingPipeline - description of the variation analysis pipeline (UMCG?)
- CoverageAnalysisPipeline - description of the coverage analysis pipeline (AMC?)
- ChipBasedQcPipeline - description of the chip data comparison QC pipeline (EMC?)
- MendelianQcPipeline - description of the mendelian check pipeline
- DeNovoVariationPipeline - finding de novo variations in the GvNL data (LUMC?)
- TrioAwarePhasingPipeline - phasing the individuals using trio information
- TrioAwareVariantDiscoveryPipeline? - Trio-aware variant discovery and genotype calling pipeline
- ImputationPipeline - description of the imputation pipeline (VU?,UMCG?)
Using this wiki
As all Wiki pages, this page is editable, this means that you can modify the contents of this page simply by using your web-browser. Simply click on the "Edit this page" link at the bottom of the page. WikiFormatting will give you a detailed description of available Wiki formatting commands.
On top there is menu with additional features
- Blog - Meetings, events etc can be blogged
- Roadmap - Overview of the main objectives
- Tickets - All our TODO's (per roadmap) we can collect under Tickets
- Browse source - All our scripts we can browsed under Browse Source
- Subversion - Programmers can commit their code using SVN at
Attachments (2)
- bbmri.gif (1.9 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
- nbic.png (6.0 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip